The most popular questions about working with our exchange service.If you couldn"t find the answer to your question question, please contact us.
What if you received extra electronic money in the payment system?

The number of users of payment resources on the global web is increasing daily. Such sites significantly improve the quality of customer service. The absence of queues and making transactions in a comfortable environment, without leaving the computer monitor, are clear advantages of using payment systems. However, in this case, the emergence of unforeseen situations is possible. For example, if extra money came to an electronic wallet. What to do in this situation? Is it worth hiding this fact and what consequences threaten the user in the future?

Why are proven payment systems good?

Business on the virtual web is growing at lightning speed. The creation of selling websites, advertising agencies, online stores - this is not a complete list of earning opportunities on the Internet. The owners of such a business connect payment systems to services. With their help, the site has additional advantages in customer service. The issue of connecting a resource requires a serious analysis. Preference should be given only to proven payment systems.

What is so special about the Bitcoin system?

Bitcoin is the name of a widely used electronic payment system. It is based on peer-to-peer technology. The currency used by the technology is called the system itself.

How do I accept payments on my website?

When developing an online store or other resource that accepts funds from users, special attention is paid to the choice of a tool for making transactions. Despite the variety of options and ease of customization, users often do not know how to accept payments on the site, and what are the features of each option.

What should you remember when choosing a foreign payment system?

The choice of payment system is one of the main stumbling blocks for netizens. And if everything is more or less clear with domestic services, then the issue of choosing a foreign system often causes difficulties and concerns. It is not always clear whether the service will be able to ensure the safety of transactions, how convenient it will be to withdraw funds and replenish the account, whether it is possible to use the payment system for the site, and so on.

How to choose a payment system for a beginner?

Many network customers use payment systems in their daily life. Some experienced users prefer two or more services. Those who have recently encountered the concept of “payment resource” cannot imagine its principle of operation. Electronic money, in fact, is an analogue of fiat units, with only one difference - the place of transactions. If a newbie decides to register a digital wallet, then he should give preference only to proven payment systems.

What to do if the payment system is closed?

The life of modern people is unthinkable without financial institutions and money transfer systems. Not so long ago, payment for the services of providers through the Internet has become popular among the population. This method attracts many new customers to payment services. Payment resources have formed into a convenient tool that allows you to pay for everyday needs online, without leaving a computer monitor or the screen of modern gadgets. New resources are created every day, some of them cease to function soon after discovery, others stop after a few years. What measures should the user take if the payment system closed unexpectedly?

What if you have lost access to the payment system?

Payment systems today are extremely important for users of the global network. Thanks to them, shopping and other transactions have become comfortable and accessible. Many people can, while sitting at a computer or holding another mobile device with Internet access, pay for various services and goods, exchange or transfer money to another account. But if the client forgets the password or cannot enter his wallet, not everyone will be able to restore access to the payment system quickly.