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Authorize is one of the most extensive international resource in terms of the number of users that provides cash flow services via the Internet. This service is successfully used by commercial and selling sites. This gives them the opportunity to receive payment for their goods, services directly on their website. Authorize service allows you to use both credit cards and electronic checks when paying. Since 1996, this service has been a reliable guide in the financial services market.


Benefits of working with Authorize service

This resource allows you to take actions to order, manage and control your online electronic accounts. For the best performance of these tasks, the service has developed a special service - client authorize. The main distinguishing feature of this company is its many years of experience and a large number of customers around the world. Why is it worth entrusting your finances to this resource?

An impeccable reputation in the market of electronic payment systems - many online sellers trust their payments exactly Authorize, because it is reliable and secure.
Ease of use of the service. Developers offer several ways to combine a payment service with an online store site. Each client has the right to choose the most comfortable option.
Free round-the-clock online customer support - in any convenient way - by phone, email, chat. The main priority of the company is satisfied customers!
Scaling - Authorize provides its customers with all kinds of economical options for using the resource (depending on the amount of payments). To change any parameters for working with a resource, you must go to the CyberSource Advanced service.
Mutually beneficial partnership. The service is aimed at minimizing the costs of customers, various risks and increasing their income.

Service Distribution Network

Services are distributed through a wide network of partners. Resellers, independent trading organizations, suppliers of equipment for trade and production, financial organizations offer their clients client authorize services.

The scope of the services of this service covers many sectors of the economy and society - trade, sports, religion, education, politics, communications and more. In other words, all those areas of our lives where commodity-money relations are present.


Payment Acceptance Forms

Through the Internet. An electronic account allows you to accept funds from credit, deposit cards, as well as electronic checks.
By email or mobile phone. This feature is ideal for sellers who work by accepting orders by phone or mail. In this case, you will have to manually enter the payment information into the virtual terminal.
Through retail outlets - accepting card payments using virtual points of sale, having minimal technical knowledge and incurring minor financial losses.
Mobile payment - payments are accepted via mobile phone using the free Authorize.Net Mobile App service. This payment method is also reliable and secure.

Resource Security System

Service managers working directly with customers are constantly working to simplify the system of accepting payments, benefits for regular customers and the security of the resource as a whole. All confidential account information stored in client authorize is securely protected.